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NYU Langone Medical Center

Table of Contents

  1. Treatments
  2. Specialists
  3. Transcripts: Conference - Oct 2012


NYU is one of a few locations, with a complete set of doctors required for all NF2 treatments. Including but not limited to;
General NF2 Management, top doctors for Vestibular Schwannoma (VS) aka Acoustic Neuroma (AN) removal, Implantations of Cochlear Devices, Audiologist to Map ABIs, ongoing Clinical Trial work; Axitinib (Inlyta), Avastin, and Everolimus (RAD001).


Best Known for treatments done by;
John G. Golfinos, M.D., J. Thomas Roland, M.D. and Matthias A. Karajannis, M.D.

Doctor Name Specialty Title
Mitchell, Carole Wind, RN NF Clinical Coordinator Registered Nurse
Roland, J. Thomas, M.D. Otolaryngologist (ENT) - Auditory Brainstem Implants and Cochlear Implants Neurosurgery, Co-director of NYU Cochlear Implant Center
Shapiro, William H., Au.D. CCC-A Audiologist - Auditory Brainstem Implants and Cochlear Implants Clinical Associate Professor of Otolaryngology
Golfinos, John G., M.D. Brain Neurosurgeon, Stereotactic Radiosurgery Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery
Frempong-Boadu, Anthony K., M.D. Neurosurgeon - Spinal Surgery Associate Professor - Department of Neurosurgery
Wisoff, Jeffrey H., M.D. Neurosurgery - Brain Tumors Associate Professor, Neurosurgery & Pediatrics
Sen, Chandranath, M.D. Neurosurgery - Skull Base Surgery Director of Skull Base Surgery & Cranial Nerve Disorders
McMenomey, Sean, M.D. Otolaryngologist (ENT) - Auditory Brainstem Implants and Cochlear Implants Pediatric Hematology Oncology
Chi, Andrew S., MD, PhD Neuro-oncology, Clinical Trials Oncology
Allen, Jeffrey C., M.D. Neuro-oncology Pediatric Hematology Oncology
Yohay, Kaleb H. , MD Neuro-oncology Pediatric Neurology and Oncology
Steele, Mark A., M.D. Neuro-ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthalmology - Strabismus
Warren, Floyd A., M.D. Neuro-ophthalmology Departments of Ophthalmology
Pappas, John G., M.D. Genetics Director of Clinical Genetics Services
Miller, Philip J., M.D. Face Reanimation Surgery - Plastic & Reconstructive Clinical Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology
DeLacure, Mark, M.D.
move to CT (effective 3.21.2022)
Cancer, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery Associate Professor, Otolaryngology and Plastic Surgery

Doctor Name Specialty Status
Karajannis, Matthias A., M.D. Neuro-oncology Sloan Kettering (effective 01.01.2017)
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